About Us

Planning ahead for all of Our Future

Native Ecosystems Need All of our Help

There are many things small and large we can each do every day to reduce our impact on the environment. To help with biodiversity loss and reduce the effects of global warming we urge each of our followers to take these steps to help reduce our global carbon footprint.

  • Plant Trees
  • Use Renewable Energy Alternatives
  • Invest in Green Companies
  • Help Restore Our Ecosystems

Our Mission

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Established 2017

We are a newly established company with many years of environmental and field experience. Our staff has many ecological restoration projects under our belt and are here to give you the best possible service. Our crews are experienced, trained and dedicated to completing every project with the best science-based practices. We have strong environmental backgrounds with significant knowledge of plants and native landscaping to improve the appearance and functionality of our ecosystems.

Our Goal

We believe in ecological stewardship and the land ethic. Building relationships, trust and integrity is our goal. We strive to offer the best quality of material and workmanship for the best project outcome. Our staff is well trained, motivated, experienced, dedicated, and well versed in ecological stewardship efforts to serve you, our most valuable client.

Our focus and passions include: Restoration ecology, vegetation adaptation to climate change, land use technique & preserving prospective spaces for future generations, while mitigating the environmental damages from the past.

Some Facts

Improving your ecosystem improves your life
Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 30 percent and save 20-50 percent in energy used for heating.
Naturally occurring fires, as well as controlled burns, clear out underbrush and help prevent megafires.
Urban trees in the continental U.S. remove up to 800,000 tons of air pollution from atmosphere annually.

From the CEO

At Our Native Habitat we are committed to using the latest science-based management techniques, paired with our knowledge, expertise, and backgrounds to ensure your project is utilizing the best practices in environmental management. We are a design and build ecological restoration company specializing in our client's needs to make sure every project turns out aesthetically pleasing, environmentally acceptable, and of functional design.

James Trudell

CEO of Our Native Habitat

Our Team




Senior Worker


Senior Worker


Senior Worker


See what some of our previous clients have to say about Our Native Habitat.


Interesting environmental articles from the ecological community.

75% of Earth's Land Areas Are Degraded

More than 75 percent of Earth’s land areas are substantially degraded, undermining the well-being of 3.2 billion people, according to the world’s first comprehensive, evidence-based assessment. These lands that have either become deserts, are polluted, or have been deforested and converted to agricultural production are also the main causes of species extinctions.
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Impacts Of Restoration Burning On Oak Trees

In Northern Illinois and in many locales across the world, frequent controlled (prescribed) burning is a common practice towards ecological restoration. The benefits include purged invasive species, canopy thinning, and habitat replenishment for various plant and animal species.
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The Best time to plant trees is now

Contact us today to get on our schedule!
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